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Powerful DeFi staking ecosystem on Binance Smart Chain.

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Unlocks On


Total Supply


Currently Total Staking


Staking Pools

Solar Pool

360 Day Lock-Up

Your Balance:

Balance after Staking:

Wind Pool

180 Day Lock-Up

Your Balance:

Balance after Staking:

Bio Pool

90 Day Lock-Up

Your Balance:

Balance after Staking:

Hydro Pool

60 Day Lock-Up

Your Balance:

Balance after Staking:

Geo Pool

30 Day Lock-Up

Your Balance:

Balance after Staking:

Tidal Pool

7 Day Lock-Up

Your Balance:

Balance after Staking:



By choosing to participate in a ENR staking plan, you accept complete responsibility for chosing to lock up your crypto assets for a period of time in exchange for potential staking rewards. The Development Team does not accept any responsibility for any rewards you may or may not receive as a result of your choice of participation in a staking period. Nor do we accept any responsibility for your inability to access your crypto assets by choosing to participate in a staking period; thereby locking your ENR into a smart contract. A maximum of 1,050,000 ENR will be distributed as a reward between all participants of the staking pool. Longer staking periods will receive a larger reward percentage per distribution period as is noted in each individual staking plan. Rewards will be reflected every day. After the reward pool has been completely extinguished, further reward periods could reflect a zero reward distribution. Even if the reward pool has become exhausted, you will still need to wait until after the stake period has expired to retrieve your ENR, however long the duration of that contract may be. The stake contract may not be cancelled for any reason and will expire automatically upon its completion.


General Questions

21,000,000 total. 5% (1,050,000) are dedicated to staking rewards.

0.0001 BNB.

There is a 0% liquidity fee for each transaction. No reflection fees are levied.


ENR was launched with the goal to make staking as simple as possible. Choose your desired lock-up period and stake the tokens. After the lock-up period expires, you receive your inital amount plus the yield.

ENR is trying something that has never been done before. 5% of minted tokens are allocated for yield rewards.

There is a minimum duration of 7 days. The current maximum is 360 days.

The Solar Pool is currently the option with the highest yield. Keep in mind that your tokens won't be accessible for the locked period of 360 days.

If you've locked ENR tokens for any period, you cannot unlock (unstake) them before this period ends. Once the smart contract for your stake is created, it cannot be cancelled or modified until it expires.

You cannot add to your initial stake. You can only stake once per wallet per time period. You cannot change the initially chosen period either. Create a new wallet if you want to stake additional tokens. Once the smart contract for your stake is created, it cannot be cancelled or modified until it expires.

Every wallet has two ENR balances: one that is locked and one that is unlocked. Your wallet will always show the sum of these two balances. When you buy ENR tokens, the tokens are unlocked. Only when you decide to stake tokens do your tokens become locked. On our website, you can check how many ENR tokens within your wallet you have locked or unlocked.

This function is not available. At the moment, you can only stake your wallet's total balance. If you'd like to stake a partial balance, create a second wallet and use it for staking (and the first for trading, etc).

The yield is not linear! Your rewards accelerate with each passing day towards the final day of your staking period! However, you can be sure that you'll receive the complete yield percentage you 'signed up' for!

The formula for yield after day X is: YIELD = (1 + (1/990 * (X/330 + 1)))^X - 1


EnergyFi is available within PancakeSwap, where you can buy ENR with your BNB. Click here and click on "Approve Contract" to have the ENR option available in one of the largest DEXs at the moment. As we are just starting the game you must login with the link and approve the contract so you can buy ENR on PancakeSwap. Once the contract is approved, you will be able to purchase your ENR with BNB.

1) Increase your slippage: the higher, the better. 12% is recommended
2) Remove decimals, use whole numbers and round down (e.g. if you are trying to sell 59293.20395, enter the amount 59293 manually)


We didn't just "copy & paste" the usual smart contract to make a quick buck. ENR is a token with UTILITY! We've developed a brand new smart contract that rewards stakers with competitive yields while making staking/unstaking extremely simple and accessible.

Join our Telegram and talk to our community leads.